This one hurt 😔😟 ….
I receive rejection emails a lot.
As someone who’s literally being pulled in million different directions (ADHD brain at it’s finest!)
And learning about the “Not for Profit World” from scratch
🧐 I take rejection emails as learning and growth experience.
I think, I’m doing ok-ish
Having built few pillars to Generate Income:
✅ Comissioning
✅ Grants
✅ Sales
✅ Donations
Not yet at full potential,
But the system is there. I’m still learning!
😢 This rejection, is painful.
At the moment we self fund (from sales) creche for the Mom’s who attend our monthly Support Group.
⚠️ It’s really important for us to have that ability, as many women struggling with childcare, are excluded from opportunities.
❤️ One of our beneficiaries disclosed to us, she always wanted to have her own children entertaining business.
So we supported her, through our groups, to start her own business, which she now calls Little Vips (which stands for Little Very Important Parties).
We supported her to get her business formally registered and get an appropriate insurance.
She is a nursery worker “by day”, so she has all valid training and safety checks done via her employer.
By now she has delivered 3 very successful creche sessions for our group and children love her.
She also volunteers on a weekly basis with us,
delivering physical activities for families in Darlaston.
💪 And I WILL overcome this, because I believe what we’re doing is right.