Woke up at 3.13 am, thinking about…
Well, let’s just say something way more fun, than Corporation Tax Return,
Which is due….
Well, actually, to be very honest, I don’t even know when it’s due…
I think it might be today?
31.12.2022 date is tattooed on my mind, as a final deadline, but could be wrong…
I can’t find the letter, received earlier this year;
I found Statutory Notice for Overdue Confirmation Statements from previous years,
I found Penalty Notice for Overdue Accounts letters from previous years…
I found Reminders, that my Accounts are due, from the Incorporation year…
But for the Love of God, even if my life depended on it, I can’t find the latest letter from HMRC.
It should be in the most obvious place, because I came up with a system, so that I don’t forget and lose things…
Fridge magnet
White Big Ass Notice Board in The Kitchen
“Mail Box”, where I keep all the letters, when they arrive, which is placed in the shoe closet, so I can’t miss it…
Depending on the importance level, everything has it’s place…
So, from 3.13 am, I have been distracting myself with thinking about stuff, which are more enjoyable, than searching for the bloody letter…
Doing income & expenditure spreadsheet, dividing it into categories and copy and pasting insane amount of numbers for the entire year, TWICE, because I know the website doesn’t work properly and I’ll need to do a separate one for The Companies House-
regardless monthly reminders on my phone and in the diary, to do it 1 month at a time;
Regardless bright pink post it notes in the diary, which I have been pushing back since Summer…
Yet, I love sitting down, to write this post, because being mentally creative is just one thing in this world, I can do all day every day and never have enough…
ADHD is fun and games… until you realise there’s always another side…
Yes, I have applied for a support worker from Access To Work.
I have been awarded over 5,000 pounds worth of technology.
But the award didn’t include a support worker I need to help me go through 1000’s of unopened emails, set up accounts to access subscriptions, and install all the technology, where it needs to be installed…
To be awarded a support worker, I needed to complete a separate application….
Which can be completed within 5-15 minutes, but takes for ever to attract my brain enough for it to get done, and few months to be processed in the understaffed system affected by Covid’19’s delays…
…. The system, which has not been updated for who knows how long, because bureaucracy takes for ever
…. The system, which is not meeting the needs of every individual it is meant to serve.
DWP staff do not understand, why I am unable to complete 5 forms, to receive the award, which I have already been awarded- regardless lengthy and frequent telephone conversations trying to explain…
They are unable to personalise the system which intention is to help me, with the tasks I need the most help with at work.
DWP- This is not a job application, but if you are reading this- your company does need to go through a major transformation.