We want to create a welcoming and inclusive environment for the Polish women in Walsall to discover the joy of hiking and the benefits of physical activity, ultimately leading to a healthier and more connected community.

We want to encourage women, who are usually inactive physically to get involved in exciting, adventurous,  fun and group physical activity together with their children.

Women on the Go project will help Polish women take part in physical activity: We will introduce the Polish community to hiking, a readily accessible and enjoyable form of physical activity.

Target Polish women that might not usually participate in mainstream physical activities.

Promote health and happiness: Hiking offers physical and mental health benefits, including stress reduction, improved mood, and overall well-being.

Build stronger and supportive community: The project fosters social interaction and a sense of belonging within the Polish community through shared experiences.

Project Outcomes:

Increased participation in physical activity among the Polish community, as evidenced by the number of participants and potential follow-up surveys.

Improved physical and mental health outcomes for participants

Increased self esteem, self achievement and confidence

Stronger sense of community and social interaction within the Polish community.

Increased awareness of the benefits of outdoor activities and the beauty of the local countryside.

Development of a sustainable program that can continue beyond the initial grant period, potentially through partnerships with walking groups or outdoor activity providers.


This project aims to establish a long-term program by building relationships with community groups and potential volunteers.

We will explore partnership opportunities with local walking groups or outdoor activity providers who can offer ongoing support to the Polish community.

By training volunteers within the Polish community, we can create a leadership structure for the program’s future.

We are also hoping that participants will become more confident in arranging future trips themselves. We aim to achieve that by creating volunteering opportunities for all participants (i.e different volunteer can arrange each experience)

We will arrange 6 day trips (bi-monthly) for Polish women and children.

The activity will take place on Saturdays and Sundays to ensure it doesn’t interfere with week days commitments.

The project will be delivered by volunteers supported by the project manager.

Each trip will be organized by a different volunteer, to enable them to gain experience in organizing such activities.

We will provide transport to and from the hiking locations.

We will collaborate with Asda Community Champions, to secure refreshments.

The trips will be organized within 2 hours driving distance from Walsall to scenic locations (i.e Shropshire Hills, Wales etc).

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